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In this week’s episode of Priority Pursuit, we’re changing things up a bit. And, to be honest, I’m sharing something on the show that I never planned to share—my testimony (AKA how and why I believe in God).
Now, this isn’t necessarily a Christian podcast, but I am a Christian, and over the last few months, I’ve been talking to many creative entrepreneurs who (1) also struggle with many of the same things I do and (2) have had similar life experiences. As a result, I feel called to share my story.
And, in case this episode helps just one person feel less alone or know they have inherent value regardless of their accomplishments or their business’s revenue, I’m honored to get to share my testimony—why I find my worth in Christ and not my work—with you (or whomever takes the time to listen).
When I break it down, my testimony includes three main themes.
Because this episode is a long one and a bit of a doozy, I’m not going to dictate it. There’s just too much to share. However, because I know many creative entrepreneurs can relate to this, I do want to share that my testimony includes three primary themes:
1. Countless unsuccessful attempts to find my identity & worth in my work.
Between my workaholic and perfectionist tendencies and my enneagram three outlook on life, it’s very easy for me to try to find my worth in my work. And, in all honesty, I’ve tried to find my worth in my accomplishments since I was a kid.
However, as much as I love what I do for a living and being a wedding photographer, I know a job could never fulfill me entirely. But, Christ can.
2. Seeking validation through the men in my life.
As I’ve been talking to other creative entrepreneurs, specifically women, I’ve been shocked to find out how many don’t have relationships with their fathers and/or have/have had difficult or unhealthy relationships with other men in their lives.
That’s all I’m going to say here, but I do share more of my story in the audio of this episode.
3. God using both my and others’ struggles to lead me to him.
I feel old saying this, but I can now look back at my life and see countless places where God moved and brought me to Him. And, if you listen to this episode, you’ll understand why I find this so humbling.
Friend, can you relate to any of these themes? Again, after talking to several creative entrepreneurs and small business owners lately, I know many can.
If you have questions about faith, Jesus, or whatever, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Friend, I’m not just saying this. If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, what Christ did for us, who Jesus is, or anything else for that matter, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can DM me on Instagram or contact me at
I don’t have all the answers, and my faith is—and hopefully always will be—still growing. But, I know I’d be an utter wreck without Christ and am happy to share whatever I can, because I’d love for you to feel and find peace and contentment in this life.